Why door hangers?

Hi, friends!

Over the next few days, you're going to hear a lot from me about the Door Hanger Club and why it's so special... but you might be wondering, "why door hangers?" Or maybe even, "what the heck IS a door hanger?!"

In 2019, we launched our first subscription - The Tee Shirt Club - and soon after, I started getting requests from customers about a recurring, monthly option for home decor. From the beginning, door hangers felt like the perfect fit.

A door hanger is, simply put, a piece of wood that's cut into a specific shape, then painted and personalized, and made to hang on a door to welcome guests. They're colorful, seasonal, and downright aDOORable.

I could have gone with wood signs or painted canvas or art prints or something different, but door hangers had an easy, effortless sense to them... you just take it out of the box and swap with what's already hanging on your door, and voila - you're ready for the next celebration! You might not have a space for more interior seasonal decor, but I bet your entryway could use a little extra happy.

But, not every family and home is the same... so how do we tackle that?? This simple question is what drove me to offer personalization on every single door hanger our subscribers receive, so it's something you can always actually use - and it's exactly what you wanted.

My mission through the Door Hanger Club has become to help create happier homes in a heartbeat, one door hanger at a time. We celebrate seasons, holiYAYs, and every day with our subscribers and I'm so honored to get to help add a little joy to something as simple as a door for so many women and their families.

So often, the mail we receive is either junk or telling us about something we have to pay -- simply put, no fun. With every monthly door hanger, my goal is to create an experience our subscribers look forward to, and to provide something they can enjoy straight out of the box, whether it's been a long day of work, caretaking, or something else.

It's easy to see a door hanger and think "oh, that's cute," but when you know the story behind them, it's a whole lot more special. With every single design (and they really do get cuter every month!!), we're helping creating memories, happier homes, and celebrations that feel special - even when it's just a random Tuesday.

Our best selling Door Hanger Club reopens on January 19 for new members! Now is your chance to grab a spot on the waitlist and ensure you're first to hear when the doors open (before we open to the public) so you can get in on the happy AND be guaranteed to receive some awesome extra goodies as a new member.

Click here to join the waitlist now and be one step closer to a happy home!

PS: Have a question about the Door Hanger Club? Leave a comment below - Team RHC is happy to help! 


Door Hanger Guide

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