The Camel Countdown | Life, Style, and Business Favorites from February 2019

As slowly as January went, I think February went double time, y’all!  I can’t believe we’re already headed into the third month of 2019. Today, I’m sharing a few of my favorites from this month - I hope you’ll find them helpful and interesting… and maybe you’ll find a new favorite of your own!

February was a month of lots of miles on our car, y’all!  We traveled to North Carolina for our RHC Spring Apparel shoot and to spend some time with my family in the warmth, traveled to Maryland for Q’s mama’s wedding, and to Maryland a couple of times for my brother-in-law’s basketball games, and watched a LOT of “The Good Doctor” on Hulu.  

Okay, y’all… let’s dive right into the favorites!  Note:  You can click the products I'm sharing about below to shop directly!

I set a goal to read at least one book each month in 2019, and even though I’m a little behind schedule this month (traveling is tiring, y’all!), I have loved Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine.  I’ll be honest, it took me a little while to get into the story, but once I was in, I was IN. I’ve laughed, cried, and savored the pages… and I’m a little sad that it’s almost over! As if you needed more convincing - Reese Witherspoon has highly recommended this book in her book club and is producing a movie of it in the next couple of years! 

Traveling up and down the east coast has made my wardrobe extra casual this month!  I have been loving wearing my TOMS sneakers. These were a thoughtful Christmas gift from my mama and now that they’re broken in, I am in love!  Q calls them my “soccer mom” shoes, but I don’t care - I love them that much.

About once a week, I catch up on my favorite blogs.  I don’t read a ton of blogs, but the ones I do - I love them!  Carly, Kate, and Ashley are bloggers I’ve followed for years (since, like, before college) and I appreciate the unique content that each of them shares each week!  If you are into blogs, I highly recommend these three ladies. I set aside about 45 minutes each Friday to scroll through the week’s blog posts and always learn something new or find something interesting!

I shared this post last week on Facebook and got so many comments saying, “I love this, too!”  Since moving to New Jersey and walking on sidewalks covered with salt and brine in the winter, our hardwood floors have gotten increasingly sticky… even when we take our shoes off at the door, somehow!  I’ve been searching high and low for a hardwood floor cleaner that would get that sticky stuff OFF our floors and not smell gross. This stuff is IT, y’all! If you have hardwood floors, you need to try the Method Daily Hardwood Cleaner.  It smells great, is easy to use (I use with a microfiber cloth), and got off every last bit of the salt and yuck from our floors!

I’ve been on the search for the perfect planner for approximately ever.  Every one has its pros and cons, and I am always on the hunt for the one with the most pros and the fewest potential cons!  I stumbled upon the Happy Planner while I was at home in North Carolina and am so far really enjoying it! I like that I am able to section out different priorities of my life/day (I use my Powersheets to determine those priorities for the month!) and then am able to plan away!  It is very customizable, which I also love. So far, my only complaint is that I have to write in my own numbers in the monthly calendar view! If you’re on the hunt for a truly customizable planner at a really great price, check this one out. They also have really fun stickers and personalization options that make it more fun!

Along with my Happy Planner, I've been color coding up a storm!  I love these pens for color coding - they don't bleed through the paper and have a nice thickness, without being too thick.  Can you tell I'm a letterer when I start giving too many details about pens?! 

Last but not least, I've got to give a MAJOR shoutout to my Amazon Prime membership this month!  I know just about everybody uses Amazon Prime these days, and for a long time, I didn't use it to its full capacity.  In February, I've ordered biz supplies (shipped to both NJ and NC), shopped for home items on my phone (one click ordering!), and ordered several new books for my 2019 "read more books" goal all from one place.  The free shipping alone just gets me every time.  If you haven't tried Amazon Prime yet, I highly recommend it!  Click right here to get 30 days free - you can thank me later! 


Friends, I hope your February has been nothing short of fabulous.  Cheers to a new month and the start of a new season.  Let's make it happy!

*There are a few affiliate links included in this post, which means if you click on a link we may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you.  See our full policy here.

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