My Goals for 2020

2019 was a year of so much joy for me!  You can read more about that here.  I'm so excited about what this new year holds and am grateful that I get to share it with you!  In the spirit of new beginnings, today I'm sharing my goals for 2020 with y'all.  Let's dive in!


In 2019, I got really involved with Pure Barre (and took nearly 175 classes!).  This year, I've signed up for the Black Barre Challenge - that's a commitment to fifteen classes every month.  I am thrilled to get started right away and start kicking butt on this goal!  I love a competition, so this will be good.


We moved in December!  That said, I really want to get majorly organized this year.  Since we haven't been married super long (a little over a year!), there are still some things in our space that could be more organized than they are, and I am excited to dive in and make our home as functional and purposeful as we can.


I have a lot of big ideas for the year ahead!  I really want to work more with other business owners and share encouragement and wisdom from my own experiences.  I am pumped to see what opportunities come my way in 2020 and am constantly dreaming of what's next.


Q and I did really well in 2019 with taking intentional time to be together.  Mostly, I want to continue that into the new year!  With his new work obligations (hello, promotion!) and our very busy schedule during the warmer months, it can be hard to find time to be fully present with one another.  I'd love to do more "exciting" date nights instead of just dinners out so we can experience more new things together!


One thing I am really not confident in is finances.  I'm totally fine with managing money (#savenotspend), but when it comes to investments, financial planning, and that side of things... I stink.  I think it's one of those things no one ever really teaches you, yet everyone expects you to know already.  That said, I want to become more well-versed in this area and sure up our financial plan for our future.  Even though we are still extremely young, I am a believer that you can never start too early to have a secure plan for the future, and I am hopeful that this will be a blessing both for our family and for our business!


Last year, my goal was to read one book each month.  I exceeded it pretty quickly (and ended up doubling my original goal!).  This year, I'd like to read at least thirty books and continue to make reading a priority.  I have found it to be such a great way to get away from all the screens and technology and really just unplug.  

I'm sure, like any year, that my goals and plans for the year will evolve.  In any case, I'm excited for what is ahead and how these will help me to grow and improve as a person!  Comment and let me know - what's your top goal for 2020?

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